Átfogó hadtörténeti munkák – könyvek

Essays on war and society in East Central Europe, 1740–1920 (előszó)


The present volume is the twenty second in a series that, when completed, will constitute a comprehensive survey of the many aspects of war and society in East Central Europe. The chapters of this and forthcoming volumes have been selected from papers presented at a series of international, interdisciplinary, scholarly conferences conducted by the Program on Society in Change in cooperation with various institutions of higher learning in the United States, Canada, and Europe.

This volume concentrates upon the era of the dawn of modern, and subsequently, total wars. For all East Central European nations, these were crucial years of nation building and unification, a process in which their armed forces played an important role.

The editor, of course, takes full responsibility for ensuring the comprehensiveness, cohesion, internal balance, and scholarly quality of the series he has launched. I cheerfully accept this responsibility and intend this work to be neither a justification nor a condemnation of the policies, attitudes, and activities of any of the nations involved. At the same time, because the contributors represent so many different disciplines, languages, interpretations, and schools of thought, our policy in this, as in past and future volumes, is to present their contributions without modification. In this sense, the volume is a sampling of the schools of thought and the standards of scholarship in the many countries to which our contributors belong.



Katalógus Essays on war and society in East Central Europe, 1740–1920 Tartalom


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