Fegyverek, egyenruhák – könyvek

SMITH – SMITH : Small arms of the world (fülszöveg)


In the thirty years since this book first appeared as a 100-page, $2.00 paperback, no other book on firearms has achieved its stature as a reference. More people, in war and peace, have used more copies of the previous nine editions than any other commercially published gun book. And now, after phenomenal growth in coverage, size, and price, a new generation of weaponry buffs, as well as those who have been users through the years, will appreciate the continued growth in coverage and at a price lower than it has been in almost 20 years—made possible through the combined efforts of the publisher and distributors throughout the world.

In addition to the sporting arms section, new data and illustrations for the following countries have been added: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada, Nationalist China, People's Republic of China, Czechoslovakia, Finland, France, West Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Sweden, Mexico, Israel, Indonesia, New Zealand, North Korea, Rumania, Switzerland, United States, and Yugoslavia. Numerous corrections have been made, based on new data and modifications noted since the last edition. The new material adds about 32 pages to this edition and, in recognition of its historical value, nothing of consequence which appeared in the ninth edition has been eliminated.

No recitation of 30 years of praise will serve any better than a browsing of these pages as a convincer that it remains the gun reference book of all time.


Smith – Smith


Hadtörténeti Gyűjtemény
Fegyverek, egyenruhák