Hadseregek, fegyvernemek története – könyvek

BRADLEY : A young person's guide to military service (ajánló)


If you have the time to spend a few years in uniform, then you have time to read this book first!

"The tempting advertisements and the recruiters' promises will not reveal everything you need to know before deciding to join America's armed forces. A Young Person's Guide to Military Service will. It depicts the excitement and the rewards of military life. It also warns of the dangers and the pitfalls. It compares the advantages and disadvantages that you must weigh before taking a step that could change the rest of your life. The military may be the life for you. This book will help you decide for sure."

—Pat Schroeder (D-Colorado)
Member, House Armed Services Committee

"This book should be highly recommended to young people considering military service. It contains a vast amount of information, objectively presenting the advantages and disadvantages of military life. Bradley raises issues of military philosophy and national policy as well as personal issues men and women need to consider in the decision-making process."

—Theodore M. Hesburgh
President, University of Notre Dame

"This study contains many insights and careful directives . . . . objective, fair, impartial, and enormously informative."

—Robert F. Drinan
Georgetown University Law Center
President, Americans for Democratic Action

"Greatly helps with the momentous decision of whether to go into the military and, if so, which branch."

—CoEvolution Quarterly

"A thorough, well-organized, information-packed examination of military careers."

—American Library Association Booklist


Katalógus Bradley Tartalom


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