Kronologikus hadtörténet 1 – Ókor – Könyvek

THUKYDIDES : The Peloponnesian war (ajánló)


For twenty-seven bitter and heroic years the most intellectual civilization the world has ever seen was busily destroying itself. Athens, the golden city of Pericles, was engaged with its allies in a life-and-death struggle against the coalition headed by Sparta. Battles on land and sea, treacheries, assassinations, shifting alliances marked the course of this lengthy and heroic war. Its resounding history was immortalized by Thucydides, himself a participant as soldier and general. This first and greatest analytical historian, secure in his ability and the tragic splendour of his subject, truly prophesied that his book would become "a possession for all times."


Katalógus Thukydides Tartalom nincs


Vissza Hadtörténeti Gyűjtemény Vissza Könyvek Vissza Ókor