Kronologikus hadtörténet 3 – Újkor 1900-ig – Könyvek

JONES : Roosevelt's Rough Riders (fülszöveg)


This is the first full account of the most unusual regiment in the history of the United States Army—Roosevelt's Rough Riders. Their service as a regiment lasted only 137 days, during which time they bore the brunt of the fighting in the battle of Las Guásimas and followed Teddy Roosevelt up Kettle Hill, a part of San Juan Heights, in a charge that was to carry him to the White House.

V. C. Jones tells their story from the standpoint of the man in the ranks. All of them were volunteers, and their members included Indian fighters, cowboys, miners, New York playboys, Harvard men and polo and tennis champions. Though they came from diverse backgrounds, these men were united in their devotion to Roosevelt and in their fierce determination to prove with him that a genuine American could lick anything on the face of the earth.

Theirs is a story full of excitement, gaiety and tragedy. The Rough Riders were like meteorites, appearing suddenly in a cavalry camp in Texas, spending less than a month in training, and then hurrying away to fight in the hills of Cuba. Two months later they were back to disband and wend their separate ways homeward. But their lives would never be the same again, for they had been there with Teddy Roosevelt, and like him, had become a legend in their own time.


Katalógus Jones Tartalom


Vissza Hadtörténeti Gyűjtemény Vissza Könyvek Vissza Újkor 1900-ig