Katonapolitika – könyvek

Fateful visions (ajánló)


"Fateful Visions is excellent, a major step forward."

—Robert S. McNamara

"Security studies commonly lunge for the capillaries. Not this one. The lunge here is towards tomorrow. Where will we be? Where should we be? The right questions are, at long last, being addressed—realistically, thoroughly, and wisely"

—Kenneth L. Adelman
Former Director,
U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

"Fateful Visions is a thoughtful and critical effort at evaluating a number of widely different conceptions of a better, more peaceful future. Its greatest merit is that it shows there can be no miraculous cures or shortcuts, but that consistent, deliberate efforts can create a process of gradual improvements and beneficial cooperation, in security as well as in economic and welfare matters"

—Stanley Hoffmann
Harvard University

"Fateful Visions is indispensable reading for the peace activist, the political pragmatist, and the ordinary citizen concerned about the dangers of nuclear war. It provides a unique analysis of our choices, helping us think through the strengths and weaknesses of our options for the future"

—Richard Healey
Executive Director,

Nuclear Times


Fateful visions


Hadtörténeti Gyűjtemény