Katonapolitika – könyvek

The war plans of the great powers : 1880–1914 (fülszöveg)


The origins of the first world war remain one of the greatest of 20th century historical controversies. In this debate the role of military planning in particular, and of militarism in general, are a key focus of attention. Did inflexible war plans cause the war itself? Did the military wrest control from the civilians? Were the leaders of Europe eager for a conflict? What military commitments were made between the various alliance blocks?

These questions are examined in detail here. All the articles included are based on archival research and some have been extensively re-written for this collection. By looking at national examples of all the great powers who went to war in 1914, plus, for purposes of contrast, the plans of the USA, the reader can understand in detail the thinking in each capital. The editor's introduction provides a focus and seeks to draw out the comparisons and to highlight the general points which emerge.

This collection provides the most up-to-date coverage of this absorbing topic and is, at the time of publication, the only work to attempt to look at the issues comparatively. It will be of interest to those studying 19/20th century international relations, political science, and military or naval history as well as to those readers with a more general interest in the origins of the first world war.

A foreword is provided by Professor Fritz Fischer, Emeritus Professor of the University of Hamburg, whose writings upon German planning and war aims have done so much to stimulate the present debate.


The war plans of the great powers : 1880–1914


Hadtörténeti Gyűjtemény