Könyvek – Az USA polgárháborúja


ÁCS Tivadar : Magyarok az észak-amerikai polgárháborúban

ALLARDICE, Bruce S. : More generals in gray

ARNOLD, James R. : Grant wins the war

ASBÓTH Lajos : Az éjszak-amerikai polgárháború története

BAILEY, Ronald H. : The bloodiest day

BARKER, Alan : The Civil War in America

Battles and leaders of the Civil War

BLOUNT, Roy, Jr. : Robert E. Lee

The Blue and the Gray

BROWN, Dee A. : A nagy lovaskaland (Grierson's raid)

CALORE, Paul : Land campaigns of the Civil War

CAMPBELL, R. Thomas : Hunters of the night

CATTON, Bruce : The Civil War

CATTON, Bruce : Grant takes command

CATTON, Bruce : Mr. Lincoln's army

CATTON, Bruce : Reflections on the Civil War

CATTON, Bruce : Terrible swift sword

CAVENDER, Michael B. : The First Georgia Cavalry in the Civil War

CHAITIN, Peter M. : The coastal war

CHURCHILL, Winston S. : The American Civil War

The coming of the American Civil War

CORNISH, Dudley T. : The sable arm

DAVIS, Burke : The long surrender

DAVIS, William C. : Brother against brother

Days of destruction

DETZER, David : Donnybrook

DOWNEY, Fairfax : The guns at Gettysburg

EARLE, Peter : Robert E. Lee

FELLMAN, Michael : Citizen Sherman

FOOTE, Shelby : The Civil War ; Vol. 3.

FRASSANITO, William A. : Gettysburg

FREEMAN, Douglas S. : Lee

FULLER, John F. C. : Grant and Lee

HANSEN, Harry : The Civil War

HIGGINSON, Thomas W. : Army life in a black regiment

Illustrated history of the Civil War

Jefferson Davis's generals

JORDAN, Robert P. : The Civil War

KATCHER, Philip : Lethal glory

KEEGAN, John : Az amerikai polgárháború (The American Civil War)

KEGEL, James A. : North with Lee and Jackson

Leadership during the Civil War

LEWIS, Lloyd : Sherman : fighting prophet

LUGOSI Döme : Szeged hős fiai az USA szabadságharcában

McWHINEY, Grady – JAMIESON, Perry D. : Attack and die

MARSHALL-CORNWALL, James : Grant as military commander

MIERS, Earl S. : The last campaign

MOODY, Wesley : The Battle of Fort Sumter

MURPHY, Jim : The boys' war

MUSICANT, Ivan : Divided waters

NORRIS, L. David – MILLIGAN, James C. – FAULK, Odie B. : William H. Emory

PAGE, Thomas N. : Robert E. Lee

PATTERSON, Gerard A. : Rebels from West Point

PERSICO, Joseph E. : My enemy, my brother

Photographic history of the Civil War

PORTER, Horace : Campaigning with Grant

RHEA, Gordon C. : On to Petersburg

ROGERS, Hugh C. B. The Confederates and Federals at war

ROYSTER, Charles : The destructive war

SANDLER, Martin W. : Civil war

SEARS, Stephen W. : Gettysburg (Gettysburg)

SEARS, Stephen W. : Richmond kapujáig (To the gates of Richmond)

SHANE, Mark : Traitor tyrant assassin

SIEGEL, Charles G. : No backward step

SMITH, Timothy B. : Grant invades Tennessee

SNOW, Richard : Iron dawn : the Monitor, the Merrimack and the Civil War sea battle that changed history

STARR, Stephen Z. : The Union Cavalry in the Civil War

SURDAM, David G. : Northern naval superiority and the economics of the American Civil War

SUTHERLAND, Daniel E. : Seasons of war

SWORD, Wiley : Shiloh: Bloody April

SZABÓ Jenő, R. : Polgárháború Észak-Amerikában

SZUHAY-HAVAS Ervin : Kék-szürke tragédia

The Tennessee Campaign of 1864

VIDA István Kornél : Világostól Appomatoxig

WENSYEL, James W. : Appomattox

WHEELER, Richard : A rising thunder

WISE, Stephen R. : Lifeline of the Confederacy

WOODWARD, William E. : Meet General Grant


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