
COLLINS, J. Lawton : War in peacetime (fülszöveg)

Written from the inside by a man who played a major role in its outcome, this is a definitive history of the Korean war. As Army Chief of Staff throughout the war, General Collins was the member of the Joint Chiefs directly charged with monitoring operations in the Far East Theater, during the first of the two full-scale but undeclared wars the United States has fought there. His observation posts were Washington, Tokyo, Seoul, and the combat areas; thus he had a panoramic view of the many dramatic turns in the battle, and the decisions they forced.

He describes at work President Truman and the people around him, Dean Acheson, George C. Marshall, Robert Lovett, Omar Bradley, and others of the Joint Chiefs. Across the stage in the Far East he traces a succession of commanders – Walton Walker masterminding the desperate defense of Pusan, Ridgway taking over a dispirited army and rebuilding its morale, Van Fleet dealing with the bloody fighting during negotiations, and many others whose skill or blunders affected the course of the war. Largest of all is the figure of MacArthur, marching like the hero in a Greek tragedy from the brilliant success at Inchon to disaster at the Yalu.

General Collins' account of the tactics pursued by the Communist forces during the long truce negotiations at Panmunjom is of special significance as the United States is again struggling to end a war in Asia. In a final chapter he speaks candidly about the proper relationship between the military and civilian authorities in the government today, and on the need for a policy reassessment to avoid in the future the different mistakes of our involvement in both Korea and Vietnam.

Katalógus Collins : War in peacetime Tartalom


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