BROWN : The Imperial War Museum book of 1914 (ajánló)

1914 is one of the great seismic years of modern times. The peace of an Arcadian summer was shattered by an assassination in the Balkans, and within weeks a continent was engulfed in war. Eager to be up with the tide of history, volunteers rushed to enlist en masse. All the nations involved felt the righteousness of their cause.

One by one the illusions with which the war began were crushed. British soldiers sent across the Channel to fight found roads clogged by desolate crowds of French and Belgian refugees, their lives destroyed. Citizens of foreign origin living in tolerant societies became dangerous aliens overnight. The suffering caused by the siege of Antwerp, the bags of Mons and Ypres, even the fragile Christmas Truce, home again and again the awful reality of war.

By uncovering a wealth of previously unpublished evidence from the rich archives of the Imperial War Museum, Malcolm Brown skilfully recreates this pivotal year.


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