Hadseregek, fegyvernemek története – könyvek

WORMSER : The Yellowlegs (fülszöveg)


The story of America's horse soldiers is extraordinarily rich in colorful—indeed, often flamboyant—personalities and exciting action, and Richard Wormser has done it full justice in this comprehensive and lively narrative.

From the Revolutionary exploits of Light-Horse Harry Lee and of Francis (the Swamp Fox) Marion, the first of the guerrillas, we follow on with Stephen Kearny, "Father of the Cavalry," whose Dragoons went West to California on mules, and his nephew Philip, who organized the famed Gray Horse Troop of the Mexican War.

Then there was the unpredictable Philip St. George Cooke, who straightened out the California troubles only to bumble for the Union in the War Between the States—perhaps because his daughter was married to a rebel by the name of J. E. B. Stuart. But while Stuart typified the handsome, bold, vain Cavalier, it was Phil Sheridan, the ugly, tough Irishman from the North who came out victorious. Meanwhile, the prayerful Stonewall Jackson and the lawless raiders, Mosby, Morgan, and Forrest, are also vividly present.

Then there's George Crook who loved the Indians it was his duty to hunt down, and Custer, who brought about a needless calamity. Roosevelt's Roughriders and Black Jack Pershing, who led his troops in an automobile, round out the story of the gallant men and their mounts who helped to win this country's freedom, made it safe for settlement, and finally provided the new mechanized Army with its first commander in chief. A saga of daring raids, of grueling battles and marches, the story of the Cavalry is also the story of our nation's growth and change—a unique and stirring contribution to Americana.


Katalógus Wormser Tartalom


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