Az USA függetlenségi háborúja – Könyvek

BISHOP : The birth of the United States (fülszöveg)

This is an intimate, you-are-there account of the first four days of July, 1776 – four sultry and thunderous days in which the delegates to the Second Continental Congress met to adopt a resolution of independence and find agreement on the wording of the Declaration that Thomas Jefferson had been asked to prepare. The author of The Day Lincoln Was Shot, The Day Christ Died, and FDR's Last Year provides an interpretation of history that gives the reader the feeling of participating personally in a significant historical event.

In this account of the sudden dramatic movement to establish a new nation Jim Bishop explains the feelings and passions of the delegates from the thirteen jealously independent colonies and why they favored or were opposed to an action all agreed would bring on an interminable war. The military background to the decisive resolution of independence on July 2 is indicated, in part, through exciting, colorful, and moving accounts of the affairs at Lexington and Concord, and the Battle of Bunker Hill. The determination and patriotic fervor of most of the delegates are further explained as consequences of the incredible influence of Thomas Paine's Common Sense following its publication in January, 1776.

Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration was ripped apart and put together sentence by sentence on July 3 and 4. Jim Bishop shares with the reader the drama and agony of those days – the clashing of wills of men who had great influence on American history for many years to come. More than a chronicle of courage, intellectual achievement, and the hope to survive when survival seemed unlikely, this book is a vibrant, human narrative that will remind everyone of the high ideals of the founders of our country.


Katalógus Bishop Tartalom


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