Az USA függetlenségi háborúja – Könyvek

CHIDSEY : The siege of Boston (fülszöveg)

THE SIEGE OF BOSTON boldly captures the conflicts and clashes, the places and personalities, that figure large in the early days of the American Revolution. Paul Revere's ride; the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill; camp brawls, the hauling of cannon from Fort Ticonderoga, all come alive through the magic of Mr. Chidsey's on-the-scene detail.

"This delightful and energetic re-creation of the early multifaceted confrontations of the American Revolution, related with humor, grace, and a remarkable flair for intuiting the elusive flavor of personalities that paced our past, is another fine contribution to the author's series of 'informal' histories. . . . There are revealing candids – Washington admirably concealing despair at the state of the ragtag, cheerily democratic, milling disarray of the Yankee troops; an audience howling with glee at a satirical play by charming Johnny Burgoyne as the very real information of a rebel attack on Charleston is shouted in their midst; irrepressible Henry Knox persuading Washington to commission him to drag snow-borne supplies from Ticonderoga. In all, popular history with a twinkle."



Katalógus Chidsey Tartalom


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