Az USA polgárháborúja – Könyvek

DOWNEY : The guns at Gettysburg (ajánló)

Gettysburg — those three days of heroism and error that turned the tide of the Civil War — has held endless fascination for historians, readers and armchair strategists. Now Fairfax Downey, an artilleryman of two world wars, retells the battle from the gunner's point of view, plotting out the roles of Union and Confederate fire power.

Here are the guns — Napoleons, Parrotts, Whitworths — and the men who swabbed and fired them. Here are the smoke, clamor and breakneck courage of the battle, the stirring episodes of Peach Orchard and Little Round Top, and that all-but-forgotten hero, General Henry Jackson Hunt, whose skilled command was a crucial factor in shattering Southern hopes.


Katalógus Downey Tartalom

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