Az USA polgárháborúja – Könyvek

MIERS : The last campaign (fülszöveg)

The last campaign of the Civil War — from the Wilderness to Appomattox — unfolds here against the background of the political drama on both sides. Seen in point and counterpoint through the final act of this national tragedy are the four leading men: Davis and Lincoln, Lee and Grant.

The battlefield action, with vivid eyewitness descriptions which heighten the "you are there" feeling, shows the Union armies' inexorable sweep south — clashing with Confederate forces in the Wilderness, at Spotsylvania, the North Anna, Cold Harbor, Petersburg — suffering heavy losses but never letting up on Lee's men. Earl Schenck Miers has searched out little-known anecdotes to highlight battles, balancing the horror of war with the heroism of the men who fought and died in it.

Scenes in Washington and Richmond reveal the political consequences of the fighting as two Presidents conduct affairs of state, Lincoln with final victory in sight, Davis under the lengthening shadow of defeat. Mr. Miers concludes with a last look at the principal protagonists and a summation that puts the Civil War in a contemporary perspective: "Grant and Lincoln had between them forged a new shape of military thinking and action that belonged to the world of today."


Katalógus Miers Tartalom

Vissza Hadtörténeti Gyûjtemény Vissza Könyvek Vissza Polgárháború