Az USA polgárháborúja – Könyvek

ROGERS : The Confederates and Federals at war (fülszöveg)

Many books have been written about the American Civil War, including general histories, descriptions of particular campaigns, biographies of the principal commanders, and memoirs by participants of all ranks. Few of these books, however, give the reader very much idea as to how the opposing armies really worked. They are often tantalizingly reticent about such matters as the dress worn in battle, arms and equipment, the tactics of the various fighting arms, signal communications, methods of supply and movement by rail and road, medical services, recruitment and morale, and the organization of command and staff. There is a gap, therefore, which this book is intended to fill.

The opening chapter gives a brief summary of the war for those who are unacquainted with it or who may like their memories refreshed; whilst subsequent chapters deal in detail with the various arms and services, illustrated by examples from battles and campaigns. The book concludes with a detailed description of the battle of Chancellorsville to show all these activities in combination and to demonstrate the effect of leadership on the whole.

It is hoped that the information contained in these pages may be of some assistance to the many enthusiastic students of this most memorable of wars; whether they pursue their studies by reading or seek through war games to re-examine actions and decisions takn at the time.


Katalógus Rogers Tartalom

Vissza Hadtörténeti Gyûjtemény Vissza Könyvek Vissza Polgárháború