Az USA polgárháborúja – Könyvek

WHEELER : A rising thunder (fülszöveg)

A Rising Thunder is the eighth volume in Richard Wheeler's brilliant series of "eyewitness histories" of the Civil War, a series about which Edwin C. Bearss, chief historian of the U.S. Department of the Interior, said: "Better than any other Civil War historian, Richard Wheeler has mastered the challenge of melding the most perceptive eyewitness accounts of participants into exciting and fast moving narratives that are balanced and thought provoking."

In this book Wheeler describes the tumultuous events that preceded and led up to the outbreak of the war, beginning before Lincoln's election. He follows the conflict of words among abolitionists, those who would preserve the Union at all costs, and the defenders of slavery and states' rights; the confused jockeying of the political parties in the months before the 1860 election to find the most suitable candidates and platforms for them to run on; and, of course, the efforts of the new president, Abraham Lincoln, to maneuver through the shoals of turmoil. When all efforts to avoid a final break fail, the narrative reaches a climax with the Confederate assault on Fort Sumter, followed by the first major battle at Bull Run, a blood-letting that shattered the hopes and beliefs of those on both sides who had somehow expected a quick and easy war.

A Rising Thunder is a powerful and moving account of the coming of this tragic conflict in America's history.


Katalógus Wheeler Tartalom

Vissza Hadtörténeti Gyûjtemény Vissza Könyvek Vissza Polgárháború