
FALL : Last reflections on a war (fülszöveg)


These nineteen articles and transcripts constitute a distínguished scholar's final testament to the Viet-Nam war. Included are pieces on the two Viet-Nams, Indo-Chinese history, America's participation in the struggle, and the real meaning of the conflict.

Bernard Fall's entire life was concerned with historícal fact and revolutionary warfare, and these articles – composed between 1964 and the day of his death – demonstrate how his twin concerns functioned within the context of Viet-Nam. Whether surveying the country's 2,000 years of civil turmoil and foreign depredation ("It is Viet-Nam as a cultural and historical entity which is threatened with extinction") or recording the reactions of an unpenitent Viet Cong prisoner ("Do the Americans think they can stay with this kind of war for 30, 40 years? Because that is what this is going to take"). Professor Fall seeks to relate the war to Asian nationalism as a whole. Among the previously unpublished articles included here are: a searching portrait of Ho Chi Minh; a paper on American policy in Indo-China delivered at the University of Hong Kong; an essay on the end of revolutionary war.

There are three affecting transcripts: a radio interview that provides us with the only autobiographical account available of Bemard Fall's life; a tape recording to his wife and children made before his penultimate trip; and the tape made on the final day of his life.

Before his death in South Viet-Nam on February 21, 1967, Bernard B. Fall had become Ameríca's most generally esteemed Viet-Nam authoríty. A Professor of International Relations at Howard University, he was born in Vienna in 1926, raised in France, and joined the Resistance at 16. He was orphaned a year or two later. ("My mother was deported as a hostage and she never came back and my father was tortured to death.") Mr. Fall settled in the United States during the 1950's. His other books are: Le Viet Minh; Street Without Joy; The Two Viet-Nams; Viet-Nam Witness; and Hell In a Very Small Place.


Katalógus Fall Tartalom


Vissza Hadtörténeti Gyűjtemény Vissza Vietnam