
LONGLEY : Grunts (ajánló)


Drawing on memoirs, oral histories, and personal interviews with Vietnam veterans, Kyle Longley conveys the perspectives of American combat soldiers—the 870,000 who bore the brunt of the fighting. He covers the political culture of the day, the processes of induction and training, the soldiers' experience of war in the jungles and highlands of Southeast Asia, their homecoming, and their memories and mature reflections.

"Grunts: The American Combat Soldier in Vietnam is the most extensive and moving account of the experience of young Americans sent to war that I have read. Using the widest possible variety of sources, Longley traces his subjects from the moment they show up for their physicals to the time when they return home—or don't. His canvas is vast and he peoples it vividly, from patriot to protestor and the many degrees in between. Longley's sensitive book is an all too timely reminder of the realities of war."

—Marilyn B. Young, New York University
author of The Vietnam Wars, 1945—1990


Katalógus Longley Tartalom


Vissza Hadtörténeti Gyűjtemény Vissza Vietnam