University of Szeged – Klebelsberg Library

Military Collection


In 1992 American military corps were demobilized nearby Munich and roughly 1,300 volumes from their library, with the help of Béla Kádár Hungarian MP, were donated to the University Library of Szeged.

Presently the Military Collection is located on the 2nd floor ('History' reading room). All volumes can be identified through the on-line catalogue. The holdings of the collection is growing permanently with new acquisitions and with such books from our stack rooms which fit the profile of the collection.

The topics and the location marks are the following:

Bibliographies (B)
Theoretical Works (E) – strategy, tactics, history of the art of war, etc.
Military Politics (P)
Weapons, Uniforms (F)
Military Intelligence, Espionage (H)
War Crimes, Holocaust (HB)
History of Armies, Military Units and Services (HS)

Chronological Military History

General Works (A)
Military History of the Classical World (KR1)
Military History of the Middle Ages (KR2)
Modern Military History to 1900 (KR3)
Modern Military History from 1900 (KR4)

Highlighted events

War of Independence, USA (U)
Hungarian War of Independence (SZH)
Civil War, USA (CW)
First World War (VH1)
Second World War (VH2)
Korean War (K)
Vietnam War (V)


Under special conditions books from the Military Collection are available for regular borrowing.
